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Kind of…  Paul’s youngest daughter is getting married and the wedding is in Death Valley National Park.  So I decieded to take advantage of the time and go early and explore the back roads in this unique place with my DRZ400 bike.

I won’t be leaving till Tuesday morning but I wanted to get this out so you could register on the website and leave a comment so I can get the initial approvals out of the way before I leave.  By registering  now, you will get an email notification when I post.  By leaving a comment now, once I approve your comment, you won’t be held in moderation on future comments. 

The DRZ400 is a 400cc motorcycle manufactured by Suzuki.  I purchased this bike for just this purpose – to explore back country roads and not worry about having a big heavy bike (such as the V-strom). If I drop this bike,I can easily pick it up. It is basically a street legal dirt bike.

I’ll be trailering the motorcycle to Furnace Creek and plan to make that my home base for the week.  I’ll be borrowing Big Steve’s SPOT traker and will have that set up before I leave.  I’ve gather from books and maps numerous routes I plan to take.  I’ve also plotted those route in Google Earth and plan to have the file availabe for download.

So sign-up, post a comment and let’s have some fun!

14 Responses to “Road Trip Again!”

  • ScoutMom:

    JV, have fun exploring Titus Canyon. B’s Troop road 50 miles from Mesquite Springs to Harmony as the last requirement to earn their Cycling MB. There is a whole lot of nuthin in between! All I could hear for 7 hours was the Beatles song The Long and Winding Road. HAHA!

  • Jan:

    Have a blast!! Will we get to follow along with SPOT? I remember when we went in the car all those years agog…

  • Tom Botz:

    Jimmy, dont’ forget the old Death Valley motto: HIKE OR DIE!

  • Big Steve:

    Jimmy V really sorry I can’t make out there with you I’m sure you’ll have a great time. Be safe out on the trails don’t ride the rim like the holy cheese and crakers video. LOL I’ll follow a long just not as much fun this way but the only way I can go right now. have fun.

    • JimmyV:

      Yup, you should be here lol. Still time for you to join. It is only about 275 miles from your house. I’m riding till Saturday!

      • Big Steve:

        Looks like no sleep last night posting at 1:00 I’m shure your all coffee’d up and I see your running now out on the tollway.

  • Working Wife:

    Ya, Ya….off messing around again when you should be working. JT and I are glad that you are not here – more Java for us!!!

  • JT:

    You need to figure out how to link this in to your facebook page. Why don’t you work on that!

  • Joyce:

    Feels as if we could see you on the map – one of those little dots on the highway. You’re in your Expedition towing the bike now, right? Just saw the update seconds ago as you’re approaching Barstow. Keep Safe.

  • Big Steve:

    Looks like you made it there now time to get the bike out and have some fun NNNNIIIICCEEEEEE.

  • John:

    Hiking in motorcycle boots, NOT! Reminds me of a 5 mile hike I did when my 250 broke down at Indian Flats, did the second half in my socks, riding boots are not made to walk in. The pics are awesome, we need to get out there and beat up those mines! Be careful!

    • JimmyV:

      You would love the mines-atleast that one… Yup, we ned to get here. I’m not getting nearly as much covered as I thouht I would. You end up spending time hiking – which is ok. Today I repacked and brougt some sneakers!